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Some experts believe a sexual relationship can be enhanced when imagination is allowed to run wild. Many are of the opinion that if sexual intimacy is not being replaced by porn watching, then it should not be an issue in a marriage. Others contend that a guy's porn watching habit can only hurt his partner's feelings if she allows herself to be bothered by this. If she has a good self-image and does not feel insecure, she should not feel hurt by her partner's habit. Whether or not pornography will add to or lessen a couple's sexual enjoyment is up to each couple.

When coming to the question about whether watching porn is alright, there is no specific right or wrong answer to it. As long as we are talking about legal adult movies and as long as everyone who is watching is consenting, there is nothing inherently bad in pornography.

Porn watching can only become harmful when he allows himself to be addicted to it or gets too obsessive about it. It is a problem when a guy will rather choose to watch porn instead of being intimate with an available and interested partner. But the problem may be more about the relationship than the porn.

According to a research conducted on online behavior, for people who engaged in any kind of sexual activity for less than an hour a week, their habit had little impact on their lives. However, if the exposure to online porn was 11 hours or more a week, the respondents said their habits could affect both their self-image and feelings about their partners. Therefore anywhere between one and ten hours a week is a grey area, which is still tolerable. It may be just a way to release stress.

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